WiPHoF Charter
I. Creation
Women in Poker Hall of Fame was founded on May 1, 2008 by Lupe Soto, a poker enthusiast with the objective to give honor and prominence to women in the game.
II. Mission Statement
The Women in Poker Hall of Fame is an international entity commemorating women of outstanding performance in the poker world. Its purpose is to enhance awareness and celebrate contributions and achievements of women in poker as recognized and respected representatives and proponents of women in poker.
III. Meetings and Organizational Planning
The Women in Poker Hall of Fame committee creates and maintains the entity of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame. A volunteer committee is comprised of poker players, poker industry professionals, and other interested parties. Meetings shall be held annually and at such other times and locations as may be deemed appropriate. Additionally, the committee will oversee the nomination, election and induction of Hall of Fame candidates at an annual induction ceremony and celebration.
IV. Structure
This organization will maintain an organization committee of at least five members. Every three years, or when an committee vacancy takes place, the Committee Chair will open the selection process to fill the vacancies.
V. Expenses
The expenses of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame will be a shared responsibility of sponsoring agencies.